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Shown at  The Blood Moon Theatre


11th, 12th, 13th - 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th



Estelle Avery wakes up in what seems to be a doctor’s waiting room. Little does she realize this is no ordinary waiting room and she is in no ordinary state, she is dead!


But she is not alone.


When calling for help she comes across Acis Veto a man who has a pipe lodged into his head. He explains that this is a waiting room for dead people with unresolved issues. The person who can help is a mysterious figure called Ignus, the psychologist for the dead.


Throughout the play she encounters many other dead people such as herself, all with issues they’ve carried on from real life, but as the time passes more questions about her own death come into play.


Does Ignus have the answers and if so, will she be ready to face the truth that binds all who are in waiting together?



Katie Regan

Estelle Avery

Dean Nash

Acis Veto

Steve Maresca

 Desmond Bentley

Dale Johnson Green
Daniel Nix

Nathaniel Hole

Randal A Tut

Alana Birtles

Fifi Stoppard

Courtney Adams
Addeline Peeves

Roslyn Hicks


Alison Benstead


Lighting Design: Kyle Stephens

Stage Manager: Jemma Ryan

Poster Design: Abe Bastoli

In Waiting is a strong piece of writing that was well executed by the writer/director and his cast. There is room on the Sydney stages for this style of writing coming from a local writer, so that we don’t have to lean on classics heavily. Hopefully the group at Mon Sans Productions will give us just that in the future." - Lisa Thatcher

Monsted sets up an intriguing context, with charming interaction between his ghosts" - Suzy Goes See.

The play was executed perfectly from all the cast and writer and director Liviu Monsted took us into the world of death and as quoted by Monsted "This show is born from love of macabre and the need to address the often overlooked psychosis of people dealing with death", he has shown that through this stellar performance." - Weekend Notes.

Alison Benstead as Ignus the psychologist was a highlight, she was composed and lent a stately and serene air to the production - The Buzz From Sydney

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